ÈØ¡Ãì, 19 àÁÉÒ¹ 2024       you are here: ˹éÒáá arrow Eng. arrow Jecta arrow Jacta FAQ
Jacta FAQ

What is Jecta?
Jecta is a highly concentrated diffusible boracide that provides a long lasting reservoir of active borate ingredients to high risk areas of wood to protect the wood against wood destroying organisms.

What wood destroying organisms is Jecta labeled for?
Jecta is labeled for: Subterranean Termites, Formosan Termites, Dampwood Termites, Carpenter Ants, Old House Borers, Brown Rot and White Rot.

What is the Active Ingredient of Jecta?
Jecta contains 40% by weight disodium octaborate tetrahydrate, a combination of borax and boric acid formulated in a patented carrier system which facilitates rapid penetration throughout wood of any moisture content.

In what situations is Jecta best suited?
Jecta is best suited for application into wood with higher moisture content such as window sill areas or wood in contact with the ground. Jecta is also designed to be applied into wood that has been sealed or painted.

How do you apply Jecta?
Jecta comes in a syringe applicator and is designed for application to wood by injection into voids, checks, cracks or pre-drilled holes. After application into the pre-drilled holes, a plug material such as cork, rubber, wood or caulk may be used.

What are the application sites for Jecta?
Jecta can be applied to wood floors, window framing, door framing, exterior steps and porches, fence posts and log construction.

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